The familie Brachypelma,
are 7-10 cm or 3-4 inches large spiders,
wich can strongly variate in color.
Brachypelma has 3 species with a red "but":
- Brachypelma Vagans
- Brachypelma Augustum
- Brachypelma Sabulosum
Click here for Brachypelma pictures.
Brachypelma consist of 14 species such as:
Brachypelma Albipilosum
Brachypelma Vagans
Brachypelma Auratum
Brachypelma Boehmei
Common information
Cites b.
The family Brachypelma consist of 14 species,
but there are no subspecies becausea Brachypelma simply can't mate with another species
Brachypelma is not the same as Euthalus.
The biggest part of these spiders can be foud in the VS,
Ecspecially in Mexico.
Cage demands
For an adult is 40x40 cm or 16x16 inches perfect, but not any larger.
For this ground spider makes hight no difference, he won't climb anyway.
RV: for Brachypelma Albipilosum 70-80%, Smithi 80-95%, and for other spiders dryer like 60%.
Tempeture: about 25 celcius or 77 farhenheit. but this variates per species.
Crickets, small mice.
Some spiderbreeders really advice; flour wurms,
I think i doesn't make to much difference as long as you do not give your spider for months the same kind of food.
Difference in gender
You can distinguish this by picking the spider up, or for not proffesionals or very agressive spiders take a transparant box.
And below between the head and but there is a small curved "piece of skin",
Nature has desinged this piece of scin so 2 different species can't mate,
And to prevent subspecies.
Brachypelma Albipilosum has a black dot above it.
And other species have the males the sack of sperm near their teeth
Mating and reproduction
The spiders, when fully grown will stand upwards agianst eachother,
and touching eachothers legs.
Then the male climbs under the female.
Click here for very clear english instructions.
B. Albipilosum.
B. Vagans.
Birdspiders can be very lucrative,
Ecspecially when the food is paid for by your mom.
B. Albipilosum is known for its calmness, but my Brachypelma Vagans are way calmer,
and just stay put when i feed them.
They are spiders with those hair that would itch so much,
Well i have had them for 2 years now and i never had any inconvinience of it,
despite i do not watch ut for that.
More information
here you can order birdspiders
Information site
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