

The family Basiliscus,
Between the too's of this reptilie are little fins, which give the lizard the ability to run over water for a short time. The animals become up to 80 cm with tale (Basiliscus Basiliscus).
Click here for Basiliscus pictures.


The family Basiliscus consist of only a few species.
Basiliscus Vittatus
Basiliscus Plumifrons

Common information

No Cites required.
The animals originate from central Amerika, Ecspecialy in the North of South-Amerika.

Cage demands

Basiliscus requires a large terrarium: 150x60x180 cm or 65x25x60 inches for three animals.
Tempeture: 27-32 celcius or 80-89 farhenheit, at night: 22-26 celcius or 71-78 farhenheit.
RV: should be at 70-90%
There has to be a water place warmend up to 25 celcius or 75 farhenheit.
Two males in one cage will produce a cage fight for sure.
The animals can be combinated with other species but this will deliver an enormous amount of stress.


All kinds of insects examples:
Crickets, housespiders, fruit flys, grasshoppers, and so on. Besides that:
Mice, fish, wurms, snails, can also be given. Give 10-20 preys a week.
Also once a week some fruit on a plate.

Difference in gender

The male has an larger wig on his back,
The sexes can also be distinguisted by the pre-anal porien (see word list).

Mating and eggs

4-25 eggs will be buried in the ground, a few times a year. These eggs will hatch by a tempeture of 26-30 celcius or 78-86 farhenheit uselly after two months. but this can be up to 5 months. After 2 years the animals will be adults.


Basiliscus. Vittatus.
We recieved this animal as an old, sick animal,
wich deseased a few months later.

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